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A Swinger’s First Orgy – admit it, you’re tempted!

A Swinger’s First Orgy – admit it, you’re tempted!

For those of us interested in having more than just one partner, the idea of attending an orgy can be an exhilarating one! It can also be pretty nerve wracking! This isn’t the sort of thing you can ask just anyone about. Luckily for you, we’re here to not just give you that last little pep boost, but to share some tips with you about your first orgy as a swinger.

Nerves before your first Orgy at a Swingers Club

We know that you’re a little nervous about attending. It can be really tempting to bring a personal friend along just to have that nice little security boost – the thought process often is, even if I don’t like anyone else at the orgy, I’ll like my friend! And sure, that might be true! Unfortunately, bringing along an unannounced guest is really likely to ensure that you’re just never invited to another affair like this. It’s considered to be one of the rudest things you can do, especially if you’re not super close with the host or with the other people attending.

That actually leads right into our next post. You need to know that there are unspoken rules – and that you’ve got to follow them!

Who to take to your first Orgy

Not only should you avoid bringing an uninvited guest…but you should be aware of the fact that some of the other people at the orgy might already know you, and you might already know them. So what happens if you end up spotting a familiar face at the party? Nothing.

What happens if i see someone i know at an Orgy

That might sound odd, but try to think about it this way. Orgies function on a level of anonymity. That’s part of what makes them so secure. The unspoken rule is that what happens at the orgy stays at the orgy. It’s never mentioned or brought up to people outside of the party – because something like this could affect their work or their personal life. Do you want your parents to know you’ve been to an orgy? Or your very nice but very religious friend to know about it? Neither do they.

So just pretend that you don’t know their face, and they’ll do the same for you.

Have you ever had an embarrassing run in with someone you know? Let us hear about it in the comments down below! We’re curious!

Staying safe at a Swingers Orgy

We also want to bring up what might be the most important get-ready tip of them all. Keeping your name, and the names of the other people at the party, a secret is a big part of having safe fun at an orgy. But it’s clearly not the only safety rule that you should follow.

Orgies are clearly going to be sexual in nature, so you want to make sure that you bring plenty of protection. These are people you don’t know on a personal level, and the risk of catching something might be higher than you realize. Having a condom on hand for any fun you might take part in is about the best idea you could have. Don’t let anyone in the group try to sway you from using one – in fact, if anyone there tries to pressure you into doing something you’ve stated you’re not comfortable with, go an alert the host. Chances are, that person will be made to leave.

After all, orgies are meant to be a safe and fun environment for everyone involved, and there’s nothing that will ruin that more quickly than someone trying to be a bully about how things should get done. And if it’s the host giving you a hard time? Just go ahead and leave. There are other parties you can find, and having a night of sensual no strings attached passion isn’t worth risking an STD or being uncomfortable.

Rules and limits at an Orgy

You never want to do something at an orgy that you’ll regret the next day. Have fun in your play, but also keep in mind that there will be a morning after. Stay in whatever zone is most comfortable for you, and don’t let anyone hassle you out of it!

And there we have it! Our biggest tips for calming your nerves before an orgy. Hopefully, these will make you a little more confidant when it comes to walking into the party – we know that you’ll have an orgasmically good time once you’ve gotten there!

If you want to find even more tips for swingers and pleasure seekers, make sure to check out our other posts!

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